Tugende Together

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Zwei Teams – Eine Vision

Das Streben nach einem Unterschied

Wir von Tugende Together glauben an eine Partnerschaft auf Augenhöhe. Unsere Teams in Österreich und Uganda arbeiten Hand in Hand, um unser gemeinsames Ziel zu erreichen: qualitativ hochwertige Bildung für Kinder in Uganda.

Durch die enge Zusammenarbeit können wir Vertrauen aufbauen, dauerhafte Beziehungen knüpfen und eine nachhaltig positive Wirkung für alle Beteiligten sicherstellen.

Auge in Auge

Tugende Together wird von zwei engagierten Teams getragen: Tugende Together Austria kümmert sich um das Fundraising, das vollständig von leidenschaftlichen Freiwilligen betrieben wird, während Tugende Together Uganda sich um den täglichen Betrieb kümmert. Mit über 20 unglaublichen Mitarbeitern – Lehrern, Sozialarbeitern, Köchen, Sicherheitspersonal – und einer Handvoll Freiwilliger machen wir gemeinsam einen Unterschied.

Unser Team

Manuel Lackmaier Co-Founder Visionary leader focused on empowering children through education.
Namyalo Barbra Chairperson Committed leader of the Ugandan team, always striving for a difference.
Verena Lackmaier Chairperson Chairperson leading the Austrian team with passion and commitment.
Jacqueline Bilic Deputy Chairperson Deputy Chairperson supporting the organization's mission with enthusiasm, IT-knowledge and organisation skills.
Manuel Lackmaier Co-Founder Visionary leader focused on empowering children through education.
Namyalo Barbra Chairperson Committed leader of the Ugandan team, always striving for a difference.
Verena Lackmaier Chairperson Chairperson leading the Austrian team with passion and commitment.
Jacqueline Bilic Deputy Chairperson Deputy Chairperson supporting the organization's mission with enthusiasm, IT-knowledge and organisation skills.
Geofrey Gonahasa Co-Founder, Project Coordinator School Director and Project Coordinator overseeing daily operations and projects.
Sven Eisert Treasurer Treasurer managing financial matters with precision and experience.
Baguma Ben Treasurer Treasurer handling financial responsibilities locally, and communication expert on top!
Maximilian Haim-Swarovski Deputy Treasurer Deputy Treasurer assisting in financial oversight.
Geofrey Gonahasa Co-Founder, Project Coordinator School Director and Project Coordinator overseeing daily operations and projects.
Sven Eisert Treasurer Treasurer managing financial matters with precision and experience.
Baguma Ben Treasurer Treasurer handling financial responsibilities locally, and communication expert on top!
Maximilian Haim-Swarovski Deputy Treasurer Deputy Treasurer assisting in financial oversight.
Tuhaise Joseph Apuuli Teacher Educator committed to providing quality education.
Sarah Schett Marketing & Communication Spreading the word about our mission and engaging our community.
Birungi Kulsum Secretary Secretary and social worker - managing tasks efficiently and with empathy.
Daniela Kneidinger Sponsorships Sponsorship Coordinator connecting sponsors with children in need.
Tuhaise Joseph Apuuli Teacher Educator committed to providing quality education.
Sarah Schett Marketing & Communication Spreading the word about our mission and engaging our community.
Birungi Kulsum Secretary Secretary and social worker - managing tasks efficiently and with empathy.
Daniela Kneidinger Sponsorships Sponsorship Coordinator connecting sponsors with children in need.
Martha Shannon Social Worker Social Worker offering support and guidance to children and families.
Tanja Schmadl Secretary Keeping our records and operations in order
Martha Shannon Social Worker Social Worker offering support and guidance to children and families.
Tanja Schmadl Secretary Keeping our records and operations in order

Was wir bieten


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